The Data You Need Isn’t What It’s Perceived to Be
Player identity data is not important.
Data collection is one of the biggest, most pervasive aspects of the digital age today. Many decisions that affect your life are ruled and dictated by how technology collects and interprets your data profile, all in a way that’s unbeknownst to you. But does your data profile reflect the real you? Would you recognize yourself in your own data profile? Your online presence may be nothing like you, however, it is the one that the internet and data collectors are utilizing to sculpt the digital world that surrounds you. And they’re doing it with only a vague sense of privacy protection
We already know that our data does not belong to us. When we utilize free data and metrics sites, we are agreeing to fine print legalese that effectively hands our information over to these vendors which allows them to do with it what they please. This usually results in reselling, reusing and repurposing information, generally in a way that’s not in our favor. This, however, doesn’t make games better, and it only reduces trust among players, developers, and publishers.
GamerGraph does not subscribe to the model of, “If you aren’t paying for the product, you ARE the product.” Instead, GamerGraph wants to help you grow and build your player base without manipulating the use of your data, analytics, and metrics. GamerGraph even offers a free tier, and there is no trick or hidden agenda. We want you to get to know our platform through this free tier, where you can explore and experiment, but with the understanding that, while we’re still a commercial entity woven into our capitalist society, we aren’t focusing all of our energy on tricking you into spending your money or providing us with information that could make us money. If you use GamerGraph and determine that I’m full of shit on this point, just let me know: youarefullofshit@gamergraph.io
Consider this: if your data profile does not accurately reflect you, how is this information bettering the company, the product, and your digital experience? The short answer; it isn’t. Contrary to popular belief, collecting information about a player’s identity is not as important as you have been told. Understanding your metrics and data is a key element in understanding not only how much traffic your website, business, or game is receiving, but it can allow you to better understand your audience and allow you to meet their needs more specifically. However, player identities are low on the list of important data and metrics to observe. It is not information that will improve your understanding of ways to improve your game. All games are different, so the data needed to improve each game is different as well. One might say, it’s the game, stupid.
GamerGraph allows you to create custom data points and metrics, and you can create as many as you would like. The aforementioned “many” that are needed to meet your specific needs can be utilized with GamerGraph. Yes, the general and basic data information is very important, but the specifics are key. Once you can pinpoint and troubleshoot elements that are specific to your game and your players, you can alter and sculpt your layout to fit your players needs and keep them invested while continuing to grow your audience base.
GamerGraph wants you to keep control over your data and metrics. Your data is yours and we are not going to sell it. We want you to be able to develop and play with the confidence that your work is, a Biblical sense, known unto you, and you only…unless, however, you want to share it. The GamerGraph approach is that this will always be your decision. With this information, we hope it would allow the comfort needed in us to confidently gather this data specific to your game, players, and platform. We want you to be able to dig deep into your data and pull out just the right information to help your game grow and evolve. GamerGraph wants to grow and evolve with you.
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash